Baxter BIM is a construction services firm based in Orem, Utah. Previously known as Ben May Transform, we have recently had the opportunity to restructure and can now serve our clients better than ever. Come join the Baxter family!
Our diverse team has extensive experience in design, modeling, coordination, consulting, fabrication drawings, renderings, and custom projects. Our workflow helps to optimize designs, streamline the construction process, and make you look good!
We can assist with a project in any phase or trade. Our process and deliverables can be customized to fit your precise needs. We are an extension of your team – we want to help you succeed!


Owner & Director of BIM Services
Todd’s passion for BIM and commitment to client satisfaction set him apart as an amazing leader to our team. He works tirelessly to build a partnership of trust with our clients and guarantee first-class service. Todd loves building and has a great eye for detail. He values bringing visions to life, from designing modular homes in Africa to coordinating temples for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. His own vision has been brought to life in the form of Baxter BIM and he’s thrilled to provide service for clients all around the world!

Vice President
Tory is completely dedicated to his team and to getting the job done. He is constantly inspiring team members and teaching them how to learn, grow, and become more effective. He streamlined our entire project management workflow, innovates daily processes to make everyone’s life easier and focused. Tory's background is in technology project management & innovation where he has saved companies over $50M and is constantly recognized as being in the top 1% of leaders & mentors.

BIM Project Executive
Steven graduated in Mechanical Engineering and has spent over 10 years working for and AEC clients and understands that great communication & timely execution provide exceptional results. With extensive knowledge of plumbing and piping, he never met a system he couldn't handle. We’re so lucky to have Steven on our team!

BIM Project Executive (The Navis Ninja)
Mark oversees coordination projects, collaborating closely with subcontractors, general contractors, and designers. “Problem-solving” is his middle name, and he’s able to resolve coordination and team conflicts alike with a level head and an eye on the big picture. He delves deep into the programs he uses and often originates workflows and codes to automate tasks. Mark is always willing to lend a hand and is a central part of our team.

BIM Project Manager
Zach specializes in electrical and plumbing design and has recently added the role of coordination lead to his digital toolbelt. His persistence allows him to run marathons, hike mountains, and keep projects on schedule. Zach enjoys seeing the projects he’s worked on constructed in real life, like the Salt Lake Airport South Concourse on which he helped to optimize conduit and speed up the coordination schedule. Zach is organized and a quick learner – we’re glad he’s on our team!